Hypertrophy Finishers
Total cost: $49.99

Hypertrophy Finishers

6 Weeks / Intermediate

Why Purchase

We all want to be stronger, fitter, and healthier. But if we are honest, what we probably want more than anything is to LOOK better.

While most athletes performing CrossFit-style workouts get leaner and build muscle, most don’t develop the muscular physique they desire.

If you want to improve your physique by adding muscle to your arms, shoulders, and upper back, then this is the program for you!

About Zach

  • Zach Long
    Performance Plus Programming

BE THE ATHLETE YOU KNOW YOU CAN BE We Can Get You There 40+ Programs (and growing) to Improve Performance & Bulletproof Against Injury! Written by gymnastics expert Pamela Gagnon and Doctor of Physical Therapy Zach Long.

Hypertrophy Finishers
Total cost: $49.99

About Zach

  • Zach Long
    Performance Plus Programming

BE THE ATHLETE YOU KNOW YOU CAN BE We Can Get You There 40+ Programs (and growing) to Improve Performance & Bulletproof Against Injury! Written by gymnastics expert Pamela Gagnon and Doctor of Physical Therapy Zach Long.