Gymnastics Conditioning
Total cost: $34.99

Gymnastics Conditioning

6 weeks, 3 days per week

Why Purchase

Many fitness athletes possess the ability to perform a few muscle-ups, shorts sets of toes to bar, and handstand pushups. But for many athletes, when volume and fatigue are added to gymnastics movements, things fall apart rapidly.
Performance Plus Programming's Gymnastics Conditioning plan is meant for athletes that know their conditioning with these skills is one of the biggest limiters of their fitness. If you can complete sets of 5 muscle-ups, 10 T2B, 12 kipping pull-ups but don’t hold together very well during workouts, then this plan is for you!
We STRONGLY recommend that you look at your weekly training schedule and plan ahead when completing this program. Don't do a high-volume PPP pull-up workout the day before your regular training also has pull-ups. Modification to your training is needed for this plan.

About Zach

BE THE ATHLETE YOU KNOW YOU CAN BE We Can Get You There 40+ Programs (and growing) to Improve Performance & Bulletproof Against Injury! Written by gymnastics expert Pamela Gagnon and Doctor of Physical Therapy Zach Long.

Gymnastics Conditioning
Total cost: $34.99

About Zach

BE THE ATHLETE YOU KNOW YOU CAN BE We Can Get You There 40+ Programs (and growing) to Improve Performance & Bulletproof Against Injury! Written by gymnastics expert Pamela Gagnon and Doctor of Physical Therapy Zach Long.